A Comprehensive Guide to Adaptive Site Monitoring
Clinical trials are a cornerstone of innovation, but when it comes to on-site monitoring, the process can be anything but smooth. From disrupted workflows and time-consuming site visits to a backlog of tasks that pile up between monitor visits, the challenges (and costs) add up quickly.
Overcoming these challenges requires innovative solutions that transform site monitoring entirely. Download our guide for a comprehensive blueprint to our solution: adaptive site monitoring.
What’s Inside
- Overview of CluePoints’ Site Profile & Oversight Tool (SPOT)
- Essential solutions to overcome challenges in on-site monitoring
- Current applications and ability to address diverse clinical trial needs
About CluePoints
CluePoints is the premier provider of RBQM and data quality oversight software. We’re leveraging the potential of artificial intelligence using advanced statistics and machine learning to determine the quality, accuracy, and integrity of clinical trial data both during and after the study.
Aligned with guidance from the FDA, EMA, ICH, and MHRA, CluePoints supports central and on-site monitoring, medical review, and quality risk management to drive a holistic risk-based strategy in all trials. Coupled with thought leadership and consulting expertise to aid pre-study risk assessment, identification of risk controls, and solution implementation, you now have everything you need to adhere to global regulatory guidance. The result is positive clinical development outcomes, increased operational efficiency, lower costs, and reduced regulatory submission risk as part of the industry paradigm shift to RBQM.